As a follow-up to the scenarios produced in our second workshop, we decided to specify the type of user interfaces that could emerge from the projects proposed by the participants. More specifically, we took each of the context they worked on and created a set of graphical user interfaces to show how the cloud computing service might appear. They are not meant to be exclusive but they illustrate the functions and possible usage discussed during the workshop. To some extent, they summarize the findings in a pragmatic way. Each of the contextual category features 2 or 3 interfaces that reflect on different types of target groups: user, system administrator, priest, sport coach, etc.
Third Place
The system’s purpose is to streamline the use of the various equipments. It mostly revolves around a precise schedule of the time of use for the machines. Members of the Fab Lab can book one or more hours on machines, provided that they are not already booked by someone else. Each member has a certain amount of hours to book each week and are able to buy more if needed. The Fab Lab’s staff can then monitor the machines’ schedule and dispach technicians accordingly; they can also check whether these devices require maintenance or refill. There is also a file history for each member, and a calendar of events, such as courses or social gatherings.
Smart Coach
The core of the system is embedded in a wearable heads-up display device. The video and audio from this device is streamed to a cloud server where it is analyzed in real-time. Each event considered important, according to user-selected rules, is stored and tagged into one or several categories. These events can be monitored and edited using the smartphone app. The system then provides the user with timed and localized notifications relevant to the various events. It also provides contextual informations about objects, events, people or places.
Music Instrument
The system is connected to microphones embedded in live instruments and it is used via a tablet application. On the end-user application, there is three modes : learning, recording, and concert. The first one helps you learn and practice a musical piece, recording you to help you spot your mistakes. The second one’s purpose is to help you record a good version of the complete piece, allowing you to re-record a specific measure and to edit the whole recording together. The third mode is dedicated to live performance, providing a distraction-free environnement and recording your performance.
The system is based on a well hierarchized religious organization, such as the Catholic Church. It connects together the members of a religious congregation, and members of each rank of the clergy, up to the very top. It allows everyone to be informed of the religious events in their area, whether they are living there or only visiting. Each parish member has a unique profile that is used to track his or her attendance to various events, and their performance of religious rituals or obligations. The clergyman in contact with them can then monitor the behavior of his flock via a specialized version of the application. As for higher ranked members of the clergy, they are provided with big data views of the evolution of the worshipers habits, per country, city or parish.
Smart City
The system relies on citywide data collection and analysis based on sensors spread throughout the urban environment. These data are then accessible in their raw form by city officials, experts or technicians, and, in a more understandable digest format, by citizens. It allows for more intelligent and efficient ways to administrate the city, knowing the air and water quality, noise level and traffic, street by street.
Eco Quartier
The system is essentially the same that the smart city, but on a smaller scale. A neighbourhood is monitored for air and water quality, traffic and such. Interactive panels in the streets provide these data to the population, along with informations about events in the area and location of various public usage equipments, facilities or services.